About Us


Introduction and Objective

EFG Hermes Pakistan (‘the Company') is a Trading Right Entitlement Certificate (TREC) Holder of the Pakistan Stock Exchange Limited. Corporate Member of the Pakistan Mercantile Exchange Limited and is registered with/accredited by Financial Markets Association of Pakistan as Inter-bank broker and Mutual Funds Association of Pakistan as Service Provider/Distributor. The Company is engaged in Financial Brokerage, Corporate Finance and Financial Research. As a competitive and ethical firm, we are constantly looking to grow and improve our business and the principles upon which we manage it.

In the competitive environment, our clients and business partners expect, in addition to high-quality services, professional and honest behavior that includes compliance with legal regulations and ethical standards. We are jointly responsible for our company's reputation. Improper behavior by even one person can damage the reputation for a long time. That is why we need a binding concept of what defines our shared understanding of professional and honest business behavior. We have summarized the relevant guidelines and key rules in the following Code of Conduct.

The EFG Hermes Pakistan Code of Conduct offers orientation and assistance but also contains the binding requirements our actions need to be based on. Fully committed to these rules, we expect consistent adherence to the following from our Board Members, Executives and Employees, as respectively applicable, at all levels and will monitor this in an appropriate manner.

We are confident that you will all comply with the requirements laid down in this Code of Conduct.

Directors to act as role model

The members of the Board of Directors of the Company shall act as role model for others. They are expected to observe the principles laid down in this Code of Conduct with special commitment as well as provide support and guidance. In addition Directors are required to follow the provisions/requirements of the Companies Ordinance, 1984, Code of Corporate Governance and other relevant Laws/Rules/Regulations applicable to the Directors of a listed company and a corporate brokerage house that are already separately disclosed to them.


The relationships between colleagues & employees and with public, clients, shareholders, etc. should be characterized by professionalism, mutual respect and fairness. Act with integrity, dignity and in an ethical manner when dealing with the public, clients, stakeholders, peers, etc.

Insider information/trading

Insider information shall always be treated in strict confidence and relates to facts the knowledge of which could affect an investor's decision about the purchase or sale of listed securities and/or price of listed securities. Further, it also include, in relation to persons responsible for the execution of orders concerning listed securities, which is conveyed by a client to such person and related to the client's pending orders. In line with the legal provisions and regulations applicable in this context, EFG Hermes Pakistan Directors/employees must ensure that no insider information is used when trading in securities of the Company and also in other securities on clients' orders, as the case may be, and that this information is not disclosed to third parties.


  • Information that EFG Hermes Pakistan has not made public shall be treated in strict confidence. It must not be disclosed to unauthorized third parties during or after the end/termination of the directorship/employment relationship (regardless of reason). It is prohibited to use confidential business information during or after the end/termination of the directorship/employment relationship (regardless of reason) for personal advantage, the advantage of third parties or the disadvantage of EFG Hermes Pakistan. Each Director/Executives/Employee shall handle confidential data responsibly and with foresight.
  • Protect the confidentiality of clients, shareholders or other associates information at all times except with the approval of competent officer(s) of the Company where required by law to disclose it.

Communication and transparency

Reports and communications to those within the company, clients, business partners, investors, the public, official organizations and authorities shall be understandable, truthful and submitted in good time; the same must also be in compliance with the applicable laws and regulations. Maintain accurate records of business transactions related to the Company or its clients/associates. In order to avoid a lack of clarity and/or misunderstandings, only expressly authorized official(s) can provide company statements. This applies in particular to communication with the media, investors and analysts.

Use of company resources/assets

Each employee shall handle the company's resources/assets responsibly and ensure their efficient and appropriate use.

Conflicts of interest

  • Employees are required to not engage with any other business or do any other job. If it is necessarily required to do so; obtain written permission from the Company to hold any position (i. full or part time ii. paid or unpaid) with any outside party, firm or organization. For clarity, positions covered include but are not limited to consultant, employee, director, representative and agent. Consent will not be given as a matter of principle if the secondary employment/business may adversely affect work performance, contradicts the employee's duties or if there is a risk of a conflict of interest. Non-Executive Directors are exempted from this requirement subject to such restrictions as imposed under the relevant laws, rules, regulations etc. being Director of a listed company, Corporate Brokerage House and also otherwise; however they are required to intimate in prior, the holding of any office/position to the Company.
  • Report any business or professional activities or any beneficial interests that may result in a conflict with or be competitive with the interests of the Company. Material interests held by employees with a competitor, client or supplier of EFG Hermes Pakistan require the consent of the Company.
  • No employee shall exploit EFG Hermes Pakistan business opportunities to his or her own advantage or the advantage of third parties.

Corruption, bribery

Do not offer or give third parties direct or indirect advantages, to exert an unfair influence, whether through financial payments or other means. No director/employee may use his or her directorship/employment to demand, accept or otherwise acquire unfair advantages. Directors/Employees who sign contracts and/or deal with clients/customers or other third parties must ensure that the latter also comply with these rules. Corruption, bribery etc. is/are not acceptable at all and any director/employee involved in any such practice shall be strictly dealt with.

Gifts and Entertainment

Gifts, favors, hospitality or other benefits may only be given or accepted if they do not infringe applicable laws and/or the Company's Policies and neither damage the public reputation of the Company nor the probity of the director/employee if they become known publicly.

Officer Decorum

Maintain the office decorum and behave professionally.

Use of Internet Facility

Use the internet facilities in a positive manner and not communicate/spread political, religious or other emails that may conflict with anyone's affiliations/believes.

Environmental, Health and Safety

All Directors and Employees are required to comply with high environmental, health and safety standards.

Law-abiding behavior

  • Comply with the Rules, Regulations and Policies of the Company.
  • Comply with all Laws, Rules, Regulations, etc. of federal, provincial and local governments.
  • Comply with all Rules, Regulations, Laws, Codes of Conduct, Directives, Circulars, Notices, Guide Lines, etc. of all relevant regulatory authorities including of Institutions/Bodies/Organizations of which Company has acquired/will acquire accreditation/affiliation/membership.

In order to reduce risks directors/employees should obtain assistance/advice from the concerned officer(s) of the Company if there are legal issues in question, any doubts in interpretation and/or also otherwise.

Employee duty of notification if variances become known

Report any person or activity to the Chief Executive Officer or the Company Secretary that in his/her/their opinion is in violation of this Code.


Insider Trading Policy

This Policy applies to all transactions in the Company's securities and other securities (being a corporate brokerage house) and applies to Members of the Board of Directors and employees who receive or have access to Material Non Public Information regarding the business and/or affairs of the Company, and/or information of clients' orders. These officials and their immediate family members/nominee are referred to as “Insiders” in this policy. This Policy also applies to any person who receives Material Non Public Information from any Insider. Any person who possesses Material Non Public Information regarding the Company is an Insider for so long as the information is not publicly known. It is required to follow the following policy and all other applicable rules/regulations/codes etc. including specifically ‘the Securities and Exchange Ordinance, 1969'.

The Policy states that:

  1. No Director, Chief Executive Officer or all other employees who are “Executives” (as defined by the Board of Directors in accordance with the Code of Corporate Governance and intimated to all concerned) shall, directly or indirectly, deal in the securities of the Company in any manner during the Closed Periods determined and announced by the Company.
  2. Directors/employees must ensure that no insider information is used when trading in securities of the Company and/or in other securities and that this information is not disclosed to third parties.
  3. All trades of the Company's securities by any Director, CEO or “Executives” must be reported immediately in writing to the Company Secretary. Such Director, CEO or Executive shall also deliver a written record of the price, number of shares, form of share certificates i.e. whether physical or electronic within the Central Depository System, and nature of transaction to the Company Secretary within four days of effecting the transaction.
  4. No Insider shall disclose or “tip” any Material Non Public Information to any other person nor shall such Insider make recommendations or express opinions on the basis of Material Non Public Information as to trading in the Company's securities and other securities on the basis of clients' orders.

It is important to mention that any failure to observe this Policy may expose the Director or employee as well as the Company to legal complications under applicable laws and therefore a violation of the Company's Policy on Code of Conduct. Furthermore, employees who violate this Policy shall also be subject to disciplinary action by the Company.

What is Material Information?

It is not possible to define all categories of material information. However information may be called as material if it relates to the business and/or other affairs of the Company that may affect the market price of its securities. Further, information may be called as material if there is a reasonable possibility that it would be considered important to a reasonable investor in making an investment decision regarding the purchase or sale of the Company's securities. The Code of Corporate Governance defines the material information as under:

“This information may include but shall not be restricted to any material change in the nature of business of the company; information regarding any joint ventures, merger or acquisition or any material contract entered into or lost; purchase or sale of significant assets; franchise, brand name, goodwill, royalty, financial plan, etc.; any unforeseen or undisclosed impairment of assets due to technological obsolescence, etc; delay or loss of production due to strike, fire, natural calamities, major breakdown, etc; issue or redemption of any securities; a major change in borrowings including projected gains to accrue to the company; any default in repayment or rescheduling of loans; and change in directors, Chairman or CEO of the listed company.”

What is Insider Information?

The Securities and Exchange Ordinance, 1969 states:

  • Information which has not been made public relating, directly or indirectly, to listed securities or one or more issuers and which, if it were made public, would be likely to have an effect on the prices of those listed securities or on the price of related securities;
  • in relation to derivatives on commodities or information which has not been made public, relating, directly or indirectly, to one or more such derivatives and which are traded in accordance with accepted market practices on those markets; or
  • in relation to persons responsible for the execution of orders concerning listed securities, information which is conveyed by a client to such person and related to the client's pending orders.

What is Insider Trading?

The Securities and Exchange Ordinance, 1969 states that Insider Trading includes:

  • an insider person transacting any deal, directly or indirectly, using inside information involving listed securities to which the inside information pertains, or using others to transact such deals;
  • any other person to whom inside information has been passed or disclosed by an insider person transacting any deal, directly or indirectly, using inside information involving listed securities to which the inside information pertains, or using others to transact such deals;
  • transaction by any person as specified in clauses (a) and (b), or any other person who knows, or ought to have known under normal and reasonable circumstances, that the information possessed and used for transacting any deal is inside information;
  • an insider person suggesting or recommending to another person to engage in dealing in any listed securities to which the inside information possessed by the insider person pertains, without the inside information being disclosed to the person who has dealt in such securities:

Who are Insiders?

The Securities and Exchange Ordinance, 1969 states that Insiders include:

  • sponsors, executive officers and directors of an issuer;
  • sponsors, executive officers, directors and partners of a legal person or unincorporated business association, in which the issuer holds shares or voting rights, directly or indirectly, of twenty per cent or more;
  • sponsors, executive officers, directors and partners of a legal person or unincorporated business association who holds, directly or indirectly, shares or voting rights of ten per cent or more in an issuer;
  • sponsors, executive officers and directors of an organization, that has been engaged in the placement of listed securities or the public offer of securities or the issuing and marketing of such securities, who has had access to insider information during his employment till a period of one year after leaving employment;
  • any natural person holding, directly or indirectly, ten per cent or more shares of an issuer;
  • sponsors, executive officers and directors of credit institutions in which the issuer has an account;
  • any person obtaining inside information as part of his employment or when discharging his usual duties in an official capacity, or in any other way relating to work performed under contract of employment or otherwise;
  • any person obtaining inside information through unlawful means; and
  • a spouse, lineal ascendant or descendant, partner or nominee of a person referred to in above clauses.

Gifts and Entertainment Policies

The Company is committed to the course of highest integrity and to avoiding even the appearance of impropriety in the conduct of its affairs. These commitments discourage giving favors to individuals, whether in the public or private sector including clients (individual and/or corporate), who are in a position, directly or indirectly, to benefit the Company.

The Company's business interests are best served when its relationships are free of influences. The Company can then only maintain constructive ongoing relationships with those doing business or seeking to do business with the Company.

Policy in respect of Gifts

Cash gifts are strictly prohibited and exchange of non-cash gifts is highly discouraged. However, being living in a society with some likewise social norms, doing away these entirely is not practical and hence occasional non-cash gifts may be permissible. These shall not cause conflict with any applicable law. For example, being a listed company, gifts at General Meetings of Members are strictly prohibited by the Companies Ordinance, 1984.

Giving and receiving gifts in the form of commission, shares in profit, free travel tickets or hotel/other accommodation, etc. are strictly prohibited.

Value of Gifts

  • Gifts of nominal value may be received or given by employees on an infrequent basis where it is considered necessary. Nominal value would imply items having a value not exceeding Rupees 2,000/-. However, gifts above nominal value may be received or given depending upon the level of individual and on case to case basis subject to special approval.
  • Internal Audit Department will assess the value of all gifts received by employees.
  • All kinds of gifts shall be approved by the Chief Executive Officer directly.

Note: The policy is not applicable on general give-away items, souvenirs, diaries, and other items that are prepared in bulk for promotions, marketing, etc.

Policy in respect of Entertainment

Employees may entertain/accept entertainment, consistent with local practice, of moderate value, to/from people having business relationships with the Company.

Value of Entertainment

  • Entertainment should be appropriate to the level of the individual that is determined by the Company and can be obtained/clarified from the Administration Department.
  • Employees should not give or accept extravagant entertainment.
  • All entertainments below Rs. 2,000/- shall be approved by the Divisional/Departmental Head and above Rs. 2,000/- by the Chief Executive Officer.

Note: The policy is not applicable on general gatherings/meetings etc. officially organized/arranged by the Company and/or with the approval of the Company.